"Cricklade Revealed"
First Hand accounts of RAF Blakehill
I am very grateful to my Cricklade Museum colleague Marion Parsons, author of the excellent series of books ‘Cricklade Revealed’ who has kindly allowed me to cross reference accounts of memories at RAF Blakehill from her books to the BHF website in the interests of those researching the airfield, especially in mind the social history of the air-station in the context of the local town of Cricklade.
The accounts from local people are truly fascinating and I hope this will give balance and colour to the often stark military information already presented on the BHF website.
Cricklade Revealed is a series of booklets which give a first hand account of local life from the early 1920s through the Second World War and its aftermath, to the 1960s The tales of these times are based on the tape recorded memories of local people, compiled by Marion Parsons as an on-going oral history project. Well over 100 people have contributed their stories, the oldest born in 1905, to give a picture of life in the town and its surrounding area.

Only parts relevant to RAF Blakehill have been uploaded to the BHF website and to obtain the full printed copy of each part, please order them from the Cricklade Museum at £3.60 each plus p&p, or message me - they really are fascinating books.


Gordon Miles and the website author Vince Povey meeting at the former RAF Blakehill Farm in June 2015 - Gordon then returned as joint guest of honour with Flt Sergeant Laurie Weeden at the 2017 Festival of Flight, where he was presented with an aerial photograph of the modern airfield now it has been given over to nature conservation.